has been updated to make it look more like this blog. I actually don’t much like the look of either but I do the best with what I have to work with!
Today I have been feeling quite crap. I did a lot of sleeping just because I had no choice.
I have been swelling up quite a lot today as well and not in a good way! Most of my joints are really hot and uncomfortable so I guess sleeping tonight is going to be crap.
Trying not to be nervous about getting the car cash paid in but failing miserably and I suspect this is the cause of my physical condition. The truth probably is that I am starting to relax about the whole money thing. If it goes as it looks I may actually have some money in the bank for the holiday spending though only about 3 days worth, the rest goes on the card but better than what I thought was going to happen and going there with a -£1800 bank balance.
It seems that I could possibly get most of the things which currently bug me off my plate within a month and that is just excellent. A lot of really hard work and determination but at long last it seems to be coming together.
Today it seems as though Robin ate OK but I don’t know how long it will last. If he doesn’t take some of the advice I gave him last night I suspect he’ll be having problems soon enough with his mental health as things start to build up in the back of his mind.