Am Impressed

2015-05-18 09.09.19

How lovely to see an employer prepared to quite literally fly the flag

Nationwide Support

I thought it might just be a local thing but true to their name, they are making this ‘Nationwide’ and seem to have realised that by actively including the LGB community it will change their image for the better.

I will be honest, it was strange for me to turn up at their HQ in Northampton earlier and see the flag flying there alongside the National flag and their Corporate flag but how forward thinking are they? Very in my opinion.

There are some 10% of the population who are LGB, that’s a lot of people. You know, there are still a huge amount of companies who don’t have ‘Civil Partner’ as part of their marital status list. Of those who do they still tend to class such relationships as less than traditional familiar relationships.

Screenshot 2015-05-18 11.09.54

It isn’t a one off event either, across the country Nationwide are showing support for the LGB community.

It’s good to see, should be supported too in my opinion. It’s not a one way street. When a company takes a stand like this we as members of this LGB community need to support them either with our business or with publicity.

Feeling tired

A good weekend but my sleep quality wasn’t so good so going to grab some catch-up!

I also must remember that not everyone knows me well enough to get my sense of humour, oops.

Worth acknowledging that regardless of any outcome, the better people are still the better people. Those who are there when it matters hold the moral high ground. Liars and cheats might manage to pull the wool over the eyes of those who do not know but, the people who do know, know!

Xbox One, quite a learning curve and, at the moment I am not feeling it. Too much crammed in most of it I don’t need and it just gets in the way. Graphics are good but by the time I get to do anything I am bored already, it certainly doesn’t seem to do anything quicker from what I’ve experienced

Xbox One

I wasn’t going to get one and then I quite literally bashed into one for way under market at £190, all the others I looked at would be £270 or so.

Bought that but it came with the wrong game so got that exchanged for a right game. Did some more digging online and got the other two games I wanted. All in it cost me £245 which is stupidly good for the Xbox One and three top games!

A good Day

2015-05-15 18.06.48

Got my hair done, Daisy got her hair done.

Went to town, helped Daisy choose clothes. I rushed back home and collected boys then back to town where the boys helped me choose clothes for Daisy.

Had to have my glasses sent back, the coating has come off the lenses. So, I waited 2 months for them, wear them a month and they’re gone again. Good job I have my superdrys!