Facebook (again)


I still cannot make my mind up whether to use it or not, maybe I can but just stupidly lock it down so that no one ever apart from my friends can see anything anywhere I post.

The last issue was because I posted to the local newspaper I subscribe to on their Facebook page and, if I do that, anyone can see it, it’s ‘public’ so, probably best not post anything to any of them!

Could battery-powered homes be the future? – BBC News

Telsa Motors, the US company which makes electric cars, has unveiled a new battery it says can power homes using solar panels.

I’ve read into this and I’m really not convinced. It seems that if the more expensive unit is charged up fully it would power a washing machine for one wash. It could probably only power the average home for about 30-60 minutes and that’s pushing it!

I can’t see how anyone in the developed world could see any return on the product, the costs currently outweigh the gains. Of course, if the price came down to a few hundred then, perhaps it’s worth buying a group of battery packs to go along with your acre of solar panels!

Source: Could battery-powered homes be the future? – BBC News

HSBC will make move decision ‘in months not years’ – BBC News

HSBC says it will make its decision whether to move its headquarters out of the UK within months rather than years.

I am not really convinced that they have any intention of going anywhere. My view is that they got caught doing some naughty things that they ought not have done and didn’t like it. Added to that the increase in bank Levy and they are in a sulk. Seems, the people who cause the financial problems of the world don’t much like it when someone does it to them.

As for only taking 250 of the 48,000 staff with them, are they seriously considering downsizing or pulling out the UK totally? I can’t imagine them closing all their branches, losing all that revenue they make from the UK, just crazy talk!

Still, if they want to go, let them sod off and don’t blink about it. About time we showed these businesses and directors who have got too big for their boots that we don’t need them. We managed before HSBC, we’d manage after.

Source: HSBC will make move decision ‘in months not years’ – BBC News