I would argue that absolutely this is the case!
- Mothers who genuinely believe only they are uniquely capable of raising children
- Women who have been surrounded by women dealing with women their entire career who just do not really understand why a man is trying to raise children
- Women who feel men are heroes for doing what every parent should do regardless of gender
- Organisations which are mainly female dominated such as education, health, social care and so on who instinctiverly look for the Mrs to write to or telephone and then, when they cannot find her, wonder if the ‘father’ perhaps needs some parenting support because, it won’t come naturally to him.
Yes, those above groups are the main offenders but, let’s not forget the:
- Men who feel the place of a woman is in the home, doing the cooking, cleaning and raising the kids, after all, Mums’ gone to Iceland.
- Mothercare because, only mothers need to buy nappies
- Mother and toddler groups, yes, they still exist
- Netmums. Isn’t it strange as that is seen as a group of mums just being mums whereas a male group trying to do the same thing would be seen as political.
- The assumption that men are potential abusers whereas, ‘mothers’ could never do such a thing.
- Those who feel on a mother can truly ‘get it’.
- Only a mother can comfort a screaming child
Yes, I have experienced all of the above. I’d like to say only once or rarely. I’d like to say that in 2024 it doesn’t happen but, yes it does. The assumption is still there that really, they’d all rather be dealing with their mother. That any claims of inappropriate behaviour or risk a father might mention about the mother if not taken seriously as ‘obviously’ he has an agenda.
Then there is this widely held belief, held as much by men as men, that men are just not cut out for it, they just are wired wrong. Lazy arsed me go along with it because, frankly, that means the mother changes the nappies and, women persist in the belief to maintain their central role.

Above ar the top 8 searches for ‘parent uk’ on Google
Reassuring that the first is actually a man every other one is either a man, woman and child or just a woman and child.
That’s an absolute random snapshot, nothing scientific.
Do you understand that in many cultures, many of which now form part of multicultural Britain, genuinely believe there is something wrong if a male is parenting on his own, To do so much mean that there was a mother but, she has obviously and sadly died and even then, the role would be expected to be done by the nearest female surviving relative.
Go to a parent and child swimming session at the local pool, men are stared at as though they are a threat.
Look, if you think I am wrong, leave a comment and say why, insults and crap will be ignored by well researched real world comments are welcome.
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