
My issue is, I suspect there is still something wrong with the car. I suspect what it may be but have absolutely no evidence to support that. Indeed, I have had diagnostic tests done which say there is nothing wrong with the car.

I am currently selling it, I actually do need the money and as much as I can get.

Someone called earlier and she seems like a really nice person, we even had a little giggle on the phone. Do I mention what I think could be wrong with the car or honestly tell her that as far as I know, nothing is wrong?

It does occasionally make a knocking noise on start up, she may notice it, what do I say?

Do I just leave out everything except the facts?

I am just hoping that if she looks at the car over the weekend she brings some bloke with her who pretends to be an expert on car who pisses me off, I won’t feel so bad about myself then.


My issue is, I suspect there is still something wrong with the car. I suspect what it may be but have absolutely no evidence to support that. Indeed, I have had diagnostic tests done which say there is nothing wrong with the car.

I am currently selling it, I actually do need the money and as much as I can get.

Someone called earlier and she seems like a really nice person, we even had a little giggle on the phone. Do I mention what I think could be wrong with the car or honestly tell her that as far as I know, nothing is wrong?

It does occasionally make a knocking noise on start up, she may notice it, what do I say?

Do I just leave out everything except the facts?

I am just hoping that if she looks at the car over the weekend she brings some bloke with her who pretends to be an expert on car who pisses me off, I won’t feel so bad about myself then.

I was thinking …

Imagination is ruined by the reality of getting older.

Was chatting earlier about the ability to imagine castles, and flying boats, huge dragons and a lake in the back garden when I was a kid. It was a shared imagining with several others joining in the game a little like the movie ‘Bridge to Terabithia’. As we get older our ability or, perhaps ‘need’ to imagine such things leaves us. Now we imagine what it would be like to win the lottery, what would we buy, where would we live? I don’t remember ever thinking materialistically like that as a kid to make me happy, I went to ‘places’ in my mind, live a better life with my thoughts. What a shame we have to ‘grow up’. I promised myself I never would, thought I hadn’t but, the reality is, we all do eventually. We lose some of the silliness, the liking of the trivial, the lack of restraint … I think this is one of the reasons I love Deej so much, he drives me mad but also reminds me that there are better things in life, alternatives to always worrying about serious things.

Is the best way to appear to have lost weight to emigrate to the USA? Worth thinking about.

Why will our needs always exceed our available resources? Is it part of the human workings that we shall always create a need for something we don’t have or can’t have? I know I am seldom more miserable than at those times when I have nothing to look forward to, nothing on my list of things I want to do. I reckon, even with that elusive lottery win, I would need to develop some needs to make life worth living.

The very last thing I need is everything I want!

To very briefly mention television … the double bill of Atlantis was excellent … I didn’t see that one coming!

Sadly, I am not a qualified psychotherapist. Had I been I would have been offered a television job today. The researcher was so impressed with my various correspondance with her on the subject of gay dads that she was interested in my taking on the role of psychotherapist on the ‘Wright Stuff’ for C5. Weird what crops up through life!

In the process of moving (transitioning) Zoey from child to adult services (social services) which is always a nightmare. She is bound to lose out and, most upsetting for her, lose contact with her family link service which she totally loves.

Car still not sold, still totally no interest in it at all. No matter how much I check, it does seem to be priced right, I guess people are just not buying cars right now or, probably obviously, this is not the right time of year to be buying a convertible!

I was thinking …

Imagination is ruined by the reality of getting older.

Was chatting earlier about the ability to imagine castles, and flying boats, huge dragons and a lake in the back garden when I was a kid. It was a shared imagining with several others joining in the game a little like the movie ‘Bridge to Terabithia’. As we get older our ability or, perhaps ‘need’ to imagine such things leaves us. Now we imagine what it would be like to win the lottery, what would we buy, where would we live? I don’t remember ever thinking materialistically like that as a kid to make me happy, I went to ‘places’ in my mind, live a better life with my thoughts. What a shame we have to ‘grow up’. I promised myself I never would, thought I hadn’t but, the reality is, we all do eventually. We lose some of the silliness, the liking of the trivial, the lack of restraint … I think this is one of the reasons I love Deej so much, he drives me mad but also reminds me that there are better things in life, alternatives to always worrying about serious things.

Is the best way to appear to have lost weight to emigrate to the USA? Worth thinking about.

Why will our needs always exceed our available resources? Is it part of the human workings that we shall always create a need for something we don’t have or can’t have? I know I am seldom more miserable than at those times when I have nothing to look forward to, nothing on my list of things I want to do. I reckon, even with that elusive lottery win, I would need to develop some needs to make life worth living.

The very last thing I need is everything I want!

To very briefly mention television … the double bill of Atlantis was excellent … I didn’t see that one coming!

Sadly, I am not a qualified psychotherapist. Had I been I would have been offered a television job today. The researcher was so impressed with my various correspondance with her on the subject of gay dads that she was interested in my taking on the role of psychotherapist on the ‘Wright Stuff’ for C5. Weird what crops up through life!

In the process of moving (transitioning) Zoey from child to adult services (social services) which is always a nightmare. She is bound to lose out and, most upsetting for her, lose contact with her family link service which she totally loves.

Car still not sold, still totally no interest in it at all. No matter how much I check, it does seem to be priced right, I guess people are just not buying cars right now or, probably obviously, this is not the right time of year to be buying a convertible!