First biggie Cycle run …

IMGP1362OK, not a massive run but 11 miles and that’s not bad considering how long since I last really did any cycling.

I’ve since bought a new seat, the bloke in the shop did warn me that longer distance over 20 miles would get painful but with all the pot holes around Pitsford Reservoir I don’t think I need to wait until I get to 20 miles for that to be happening!

Totally enjoyed today.


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Daisy struggled a little bit but she soldiered on and managed really well!

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The boys enjoyed being pulled along by Daddy in their little carriage made for two

Grandchildren do have …

Some of the weirdest conversations!

Was with Danny yesterday for a couple of hours and he straight off started talking about death and that everyone dies eventually and their heart stops and that’s that .. all promoted by the loss of our cat Molly recently. We were going to go to the park but so determined to talk about death was he we detoured to Northampton Crematorium instead.

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We went around all the little plaques and he was quite fascinated. I explained to him that here they didn’t bury dead people but burnt their body instead then handed the small container of ashes to their relatives and how some people choose to use them afterwards.

It was all very matter of fact and he clearly enjoyed the conversation. He was most disappointed that the crematorium itself was shut.

There was nothing bad from the experience and it appeared that several grieving people were cheered up to see him there.