Mental Health, Disability & Competition

Why Competition?

I say competition because, very often this is how it feels.

One person says: “I’m feeling so bad today”

Next person says:

“Tell me about it, you’ve no idea how bad I am feeling”

The second person has totally dismissed the feelings and honesty of the first.

The second person probably does feel bad but, do they have the right to dismiss the first?

What if, no matter what it is which affects person one, person two always tries to trump it?

I find this in my own life. I know what I have wrong and, because generally speaking it’s invisible, I don’t like to detail it. It has been my experience that it is dismissed with some of those around me treating me like I am looking for an excuse.


Another issue is that I do not really have a diagnosis. I’ve a broad idea of what it is wrong but there is no acceptable label. It is much like when the kids were young and I was trying to get services for the disabled ones. Their lack of labels slammed so many doors in my face. I’d be confronted by parents of ‘Downs’ kids or ‘autistic kids’ and they’d be quite matter of fact over the amount of support they got. This charity did this for them, that charity bought them this and then there was me with two very difficult to manage kids having to fight for every tiny little bit of help.

This is where I am now. 

I’ve suffered with mental health issues since 1992. It was a crazy trigger, more of that straw on the back of a camel I think. A simple road accident, a potentially very serious one but, long term damage was minimal, let’s explore what the other knows straws were


As long as I can remember I felt different. I could never quite understand how or why I just knew that I had zero confidence, was scared of my own shadow and felt unsafe, like I wasn’t really wanted much. I think mum was probably OK, nan and auntie Jessie (neighbour) but the men of the family, tolerated me at best.

I was totally disinterested in any form of sport and completely non competitive. All the ‘men’ in the family were captains of teams and watched sport on TV, went straight to the back pages of the newspaper. 

I, on the other hand, just wanted to play with my model cars.

In puberty I had one friend, ironically, also mad keen on sport but he was also a bit bonkers and into other things which interested me so, we got along. 

There are significant memories I have which stick with me and make me feel uncomfortable. Being made to play games with my sister and her friends before puberty, on one occasion being made to get my penis out to show her friends on the doorstep. During puberty I had no privacy at all, zero. My sister used to walk through my bedroom to get to her room. If I spent what was considered to be ‘too long’ in the bathroom I’d be told to get out so, a very repressed puberty.

I tried especially hard to conform to what was normal by chatting to girls but, I didn’t have a clue or, really, any feelings to want to.

By around age 15 I was very aware I was attracted to my own gender with no opportunity to explore it.

Inevitably I got married in 1986 at 23.

Just before that and I do mean just … mum died suddenly. Apparently, I was the only one who didn’t know she was going to die, the implication being, I was too stupid to understand such things. The year before that, I worked out my dad was having an affair with his sister in law and he told me to keep it secret, a promise I refused to keep. I said if mum asked I’d answer the questions she asked honestly, she asked.

They put mum through some emotional torture in what I still consider to be a way of easing their own guilt. I got caught up in the mess. Wanting to stay loyal to my mum, wanting nothing to do with my dad and moving on but, mum insisted I maintain contact. I always considered this the wrong thing to do but didn’t want to argue with mum. It was the wrong thing to do because, when this happened the story in the family was that I was rubbing my mums face in it by visiting my dad! Mum, I know, tried to correct it but, once an opinion has been reached in a family or anywhere else, the damage is done.

This still happens to this day. Someone will tell someone else their opinion of me, just venting but, never update who they told so I now have people all over the place who only ever hear negatives about me. I cannot put it right and those who could don’t want to lose face by admitting the stories were, being generous, not entirely factual.

More Recently

Someone in the household got themselves involved with the king of bull, he’d say anything to get what he was after or, to isolate people from each other he didn’t want speaking in order that very few knew the whole picture he was getting up to. There are a great many lies about me out there now did all manner of damage one of which being how I sexually assaulted him. There was no shortage of gossipers all too ready to share that lie!

I tried to do the right thing and support vulnerable men from 1995 onwards and then made a dumb decision in 2001 to make a documentary. What followed was years of abuse locally, no one in the family was safe and the police actively assisted the abusers with their homophobia either because they were homophobic themselves or because it was just easier. Eventually, we had to move.

None of this has helped me with the mental health issues. It’s always there and i have to work incredibly hard to control it. Many times I have prayed to God not to let me wake up the next morning as I have had enough,

Couple years back, before lockdown, I got scammed by cowboys, travellers who charged me over £3000 to do the garden who trashed it. I won in court which cost me even more but, likely I’ll not see the money back.

So many things in life have left me feeling like a victim. One form of abuse after another. Every lie, every exaggeration of a truth is abuse. Every well meaning person getting involved with half of a story telling me I am wrong, is abuse.

Each time my own health is ignored or glossed over, it’s abuse. When I am told to rest and others insist I carry on as usual, that’s abuse.

All this is emotional abuse and I have had it for over half a century. 

So many promises to me get easily broken by those who would seek out support when it happened to them. I am, seemingly, the least important, the bottom of any list the one needed when I am needed but, not if I am not.

I imagined that I’d get to a certain age, an age I can recall grandparents getting, when the respect would be there, when the love would be shown by others wanting to make my life just a little easier but, it’s really not happening. I still feel like I have to pay for everything and still then, it’s not enough. I either have to pay in praise for a job well done, compensate some other way for the effort or just wait an indefinite period until nothing, nothing at all gets in the way which they will consider more important than me.

To see how others treat me I’d excuse anyone for believing I’d been an absolute dick my entire life but, though some have been told that has been me, in truth, I have not been.

You have to Laugh

Disability Humour

Whilst no one wants to be disabled or, ‘otherwise abled’, the reality is, some of us are and we’ve choices.

We either feel sorry for ourselves and decide that our life is over, it’ll never be good again and put one foot firmly into the grave or, we take a different approach.

Look, let’s get real, we can to an extent reduce pain, we can take away some of the other symptoms and yes, control some of the many side effects we are going to get from the things we take to get rid of the things we already had! Yes, we can do that but, whatever we can do, to whatever extent it helps, we do have to accept something.


That’s not a negative viewpoint, it’s the start of acceptance and the realisation of one very important thing.


This is not a worse phase, it’s just ‘different’.

Think of it as more akin to a gender identity change … yeah, I know, not your think (maybe) but, in so many ways, that is where you are. You’ve been this one gender your entire life and then, your appendix surgery goes horribly wrong and here you are, a girl (or boy but not sure how that might happen from a slip of a knife – go with the analogy!).

After you’ve finished the legal stuff, how do you manage to now accept you can’t pee the same way? You can’t, you know, how do people say it? ‘be a real man’?

Well, you just do because Jack’s life is over and Jackie’s is just beginning!

OK, you didn’t get any of that right, too freaked out by the notion of losing your bits?

So, you have this diagnosis, you can walk but you’ll need some support. Your pain levels are really quite high now and it all seems too much.

So, you are determined, you are going to magically be that one person who is going to beat this, you are not going to accept being a failure, you are getting your life back and …


But, unrealistic optimism only gets us so far and that so far is generally not as far as it used to be right?


Someone set us a goal, a target we had to aspire to perhaps, jumping a 3ft pole and, we tried real hard, we gave it everything so, someone decided that either we kept failing which was destined not to end well or, they lowered the bar so, here we are, time to:


Lowering our expectation is not failure, setting them impossibly high is failure, it’s the very definition of failure because it means we have refused to truly accept what can and cannot be done.


There is only obvious result from doing this, a life of despair.


Well, there has been some but you missed it reading about gender change, see, you’re still thinking about waking up without your manhood! (Just kidding but, are you?)

Once I accepted that the life I used to have isn’t the template for my life moving forward … hey, that’s a good thing to remember …


Back with you, I went through some grief, yes, I mean, real grief for who I thought I was, all yourself that.

Look, with my condition I do some dumb arsed things.


The amount of times I am walking down a hallway and my balance goes, my legs go wobbly and there I am bouncing from one wall to another all the way down. Hey, it’s funny! Seriously, it might start out a bit scary or even hurt but it’s like those times when you walk down the street heading toward someone in the opposite direction, you both just keep moving the same way to avoid each other changing nothing and end up laughing … you must have done that right? Anyway, it can be really funny at times.


You know what can be really funny? Those times I stumble over my words. I may mean to say:

“Nice weather today”

Yet, what I actually say is:

“Mice webber for hay”

Now, I have done this in meetings, trust me, two choices, laugh about it and explain “I am wearing these teeth in for a horse” or carry on like nothing happened and wonder the whole time if everyone else thinks I am idiot. Hey, they might anyway but, at least I am an idiot with a sense of humour, they could try it some time!

The other day I put two tin cans in the dishwasher and turned it on then turned around to find the cans so I could chuck them only to see the two cups I was meant to put in the dishwasher. Yeah, I could get annoyed about that and get angry that I am a total idiot but … it’s actually really funny, imagine watching someone else do that, you’d giggle right?

By the way, the image actually explains that apparently some people cook food in their dishwashers, who knew?

By the way, I am not going senile, my condition makes me so exhausted I just have trouble thinking at times.


Accepting our different doesn’t make the unpleasant side go away but, laughing really can make us feel a whole lot better. Just seeing the sunny side …. I left that typo in BTW because I thought it was really comical how I meant to type ‘funny’ but it got down as ‘sunny’ which somehow explains it even better.

Just as we feel better when the sun is out, we feel better when the fun is out too


I should imagine each and every one of them said, at some point:

“I can’t do this, I am useless” and yet, look at them.

Each is embracing their ability and not living by their disability,

There are actors now with Downs Syndrome and autism, cerebral Palsy too

There are two above which may surprise you, Morgan Freeman and Lady Gaga both have the same as me, Fibromyalgia which in the UK is barely recognised as a condition at all though in the US it is better understood.

We don’t have to be that ‘out there’ to make our lives good, we just need to be the best us we want to be