The whole ‘love’ thing

I was just thinking this morning whilst doing the kids chores because they are off out doing other things … what is love?

I know that I love my kids, even the eldest who, at times, I really detest, I still love him. I couldn’t just watch whilst someone did harm to him, I don’t think I could anyway. I loved my mum, when she died in 1986 I was heartbroken, I cried uncontrollably for such a long time and for months afterwards I would burst into tears at the drop of a hat. For a while, I did think I loved my wife but that just went. I shall always feel related to her but not love.

I have had three boyfriends/partners in my life, did I love them?

Not sure, you see, love is such a strange thing to work out and I am not sure I am qualified.

My first, Neil, I was certainly infatuated with him. He was young, cute, tall and was good in bed. I think, if I had thought he loved me, I could have loved him but I am not sure I really allowed myself to.

Simon was sort of my second if I forget the 7 months of Nick first! Simon loved me, I am certain of that, it was something he made a point of telling me the first time we met in the real world and not online. All I know about how I felt was that it made me feel warm and comfortable that he loved me and needed me and maybe that was a kind of love? Somehow though, I still felt like a fraud. Because I can’t be certain of what love is, how do I know that the feelings I have are real love and not just some sort of mock up of it?

Lastly there was Nick and he too, I am certain of it, loved me, probably still does but, I don’t know how I feel about him, I certainly see him as more than just a friend, I must do because I feel awkward around him and I don’t feel that with any of my friends. Was that love? No, well, I am starting to think it was no because, well, love is something we are meant to know we are in and if I can’t be certain then logically I can’t be. I care about him deeply, it is though he shall always be part of me in some way but those feelings seem to be more akin to the way I feel about the kids than they do to how I should feel about a lover.

My conclusion he is thatI feel my mum dyeing killed something in me, it screwed my ability to ever really let myself love someone again because I couldn’t go through that pain again, that makes sense, it isn’t nice but I think it may be true. This, I guess, makes me a bit of a bastard because the conclusion is, any guy I allow to fall in love with me is not going to get 100% of me back, seems to be like a good reason for not doing relationships or, perhaps, I am wrong and just have not met the guy that will push me through that barrier I feel I have been so close to?

Anyway, an interesting thought for the day.

Clouds on the Horizon

OK, no they’re not, they are outside my window and it is looking gloomy again. Not just the weather but the atmosphere here is downbeat.

Last night I was able to give my eldest boy a shower and a shave which was a small miracle but this was mainly because he desperately needed the shit removed from him, I do literally mean shit here. I have effectively been cleaning up shit covered kids for 18 years now and have to say, I am just about sick of it, this is not what I signed up for … or, I didn’t think this was what I was signing up for when I decided to have children back in 1986. Neither did my then wife so she took the easy route when we got divorced and left the kids with me and now wants nothing to do with the eldest and very little interest in the others. Cutting off like that is a good trick if you can do it but I can’t. I have this inbuilt committment to my children and that is me.

I am also not a small bit fed up with still getting post for Nick. It is nearly a month since he left yet even important documents are still arriving here

Robin will be here shortly to take Matt and Daisy ice skating in Milton Keynes, I hope they enjoy it as it is a lot of money for something they end up moaning about.

Speaking of moaning, Zoey had done very little but complain this morning. For a start she resents having to get up then she is far from keen on doing the dishwasher. Now she has decided she has nothing to wear, no trousers certainly, well, none that she likes so she is back in the ones she has worn all week and keeps wearing as soon as I an get them through the wash. She actually does have another 11 pair but, even though she chose most of them, she doesn’t like any of them. Now she says she has a headache which I have suggested may have something to do with the amount of effort it takes to be so totally miserable so much of the time.

Jermaine is in an OK mood this morning but it is one of those whereby he can change almost in seconds and be totally awful.

I would like to have a holiday at some point this year, even if it is just for a week in GC or something, I need that break to recharge my batteries. For that matter, even a few days without having to think for another 4 people would be nice and I honestly believe the one that tires me out most is Daisy. She is wonderful on so many levels but she just never stop being so dominent in the household either asking questions, complaining or just making sure we all know she is about. Most of the phone calls are for her, most of the arguments involve her and it is really quite shattering.

More later maybe …

I spoilt myself earlier … OK, so I bough and Ipod and a new camcorder … oh, and a new washing machine cos my old one busted but no, that’s not it … I also bought some Theakston Old Peculier and oh the joy of it!

Matts is trying to find some easter eggs in an Aladdin movie, I can’t quite be that sad but he is really enjoying it he tell me. All he has so far found is the beast in the movie which would be difficult if not impossible to spot if not watched frame by frame … no, I think I shall pass.

Clouds on the Horizon

OK, no they’re not, they are outside my window and it is looking gloomy again. Not just the weather but the atmosphere here is downbeat.

Last night I was able to give my eldest boy a shower and a shave which was a small miracle but this was mainly because he desperately needed the shit removed from him, I do literally mean shit here. I have effectively been cleaning up shit covered kids for 18 years now and have to say, I am just about sick of it, this is not what I signed up for … or, I didn’t think this was what I was signing up for when I decided to have children back in 1986. Neither did my then wife so she took the easy route when we got divorced and left the kids with me and now wants nothing to do with the eldest and very little interest in the others. Cutting off like that is a good trick if you can do it but I can’t. I have this inbuilt committment to my children and that is me.

I am also not a small bit fed up with still getting post for Nick. It is nearly a month since he left yet even important documents are still arriving here

Robin will be here shortly to take Matt and Daisy ice skating in Milton Keynes, I hope they enjoy it as it is a lot of money for something they end up moaning about.

Speaking of moaning, Zoey had done very little but complain this morning. For a start she resents having to get up then she is far from keen on doing the dishwasher. Now she has decided she has nothing to wear, no trousers certainly, well, none that she likes so she is back in the ones she has worn all week and keeps wearing as soon as I an get them through the wash. She actually does have another 11 pair but, even though she chose most of them, she doesn’t like any of them. Now she says she has a headache which I have suggested may have something to do with the amount of effort it takes to be so totally miserable so much of the time.

Jermaine is in an OK mood this morning but it is one of those whereby he can change almost in seconds and be totally awful.

I would like to have a holiday at some point this year, even if it is just for a week in GC or something, I need that break to recharge my batteries. For that matter, even a few days without having to think for another 4 people would be nice and I honestly believe the one that tires me out most is Daisy. She is wonderful on so many levels but she just never stop being so dominent in the household either asking questions, complaining or just making sure we all know she is about. Most of the phone calls are for her, most of the arguments involve her and it is really quite shattering.

More later maybe …

I spoilt myself earlier … OK, so I bough and Ipod and a new camcorder … oh, and a new washing machine cos my old one busted but no, that’s not it … I also bought some Theakston Old Peculier and oh the joy of it!

Matts is trying to find some easter eggs in an Aladdin movie, I can’t quite be that sad but he is really enjoying it he tell me. All he has so far found is the beast in the movie which would be difficult if not impossible to spot if not watched frame by frame … no, I think I shall pass.

The sun is out, the sky is blue …

I like warm sunny mornings, they make me feel that everything just might be right with the world.

Personally, I feel dead tired still because of going to bed late mast night but there wasn’t really a reason to, it just happened that way. OK, so there was trying to get this thing sorted (which I think I have done now) but apart from that, there was nothing that couldn’t have waited.

Will be picking my new car up later, hopefully that all goes smoothly. Robin is driving up from MK to drop me off there and I want to go over to see Tony later too if I can.

Picked up new car, a little Neon and it is just a bit special so I am a happy bunny.

Tony was fine, hopefully will get his plaster off in a day or so, his leg has taken an age to heal so I imagine he is quite pleased about that. Pete was there too which was a bonus.

I need new telephones but not sure which to get yet, I really need a set of 5 but the most seems to be 4 and if it had an answerphone with a multi number memory all the better for that.