There is someone ‘up there’ with an evil sense of Humour

I swear that as far as bad luck goes I have to be one of those who simply attract it or, as is probably the case and assuming there is some higher place, someone ‘up there’ is taking the bleedin’ piss!

Yesterday my home server started to die. It took me a fair while to narrow that one down to a dud graphics card. Thankfully I had a spare in the attic. You know I have these issues with the car? Yeah, well, they just got a whole lot worse.

Driving earlier on and the car started to shudder at the lights. Then it was sluggish pulling away and a few moments later there was a thump and warning light saying ‘check gearbox’. Well, I guess that probably means my gearbox is fooked and, even if it isn’t I have to throw another £90 away to get Renault to diagnose the problem. If this one comes back without needing a £1000+ repair I would be shocked.

With the DLA appeal for Jermaine it turns out that once again the tribunal service have screwed up and it’s been sitting on a desk for two months misfiled. It’s pointless anyway seeing as it’s almost certain to go to some idiot who can’t see there is no case to answer, gets confused by it and sends it off for a full hearing which delays for a further 2 years or so.

I need a large injection of cash readily. This car is bleeding me dry and I can’t even sell it until it is all fixed again. Even then I have a gamble of whether it is then going to stay fixed in which case I need to stick with it or whether it is going to carry on being a money pit and bleed me dry.

Am almost certain to lose loads of money on the sale, probably about £1000. If I am lucky I may get £7000 for it but that’s not really enough to keep me mobile and I so won’t have any cash spare to maintain any further bad car choice. Unless some small miracle happens I think I may have to accept that quite soon I just don’t have a car.

My finger is becoming extremely painful. The pain killer is barely touching it. The doc said she couldn’t find anything wrong but suggested it is probably just my arthritis playing up, joy.

The irony is, much of my life is going well at the moment. The downs are just enough to stop me really enjoying this period and I am so pissed off about it!

There is someone ‘up there’ with an evil sense of Humour

I swear that as far as bad luck goes I have to be one of those who simply attract it or, as is probably the case and assuming there is some higher place, someone ‘up there’ is taking the bleedin’ piss!

Yesterday my home server started to die. It took me a fair while to narrow that one down to a dud graphics card. Thankfully I had a spare in the attic. You know I have these issues with the car? Yeah, well, they just got a whole lot worse.

Driving earlier on and the car started to shudder at the lights. Then it was sluggish pulling away and a few moments later there was a thump and warning light saying ‘check gearbox’. Well, I guess that probably means my gearbox is fooked and, even if it isn’t I have to throw another £90 away to get Renault to diagnose the problem. If this one comes back without needing a £1000+ repair I would be shocked.

With the DLA appeal for Jermaine it turns out that once again the tribunal service have screwed up and it’s been sitting on a desk for two months misfiled. It’s pointless anyway seeing as it’s almost certain to go to some idiot who can’t see there is no case to answer, gets confused by it and sends it off for a full hearing which delays for a further 2 years or so.

I need a large injection of cash readily. This car is bleeding me dry and I can’t even sell it until it is all fixed again. Even then I have a gamble of whether it is then going to stay fixed in which case I need to stick with it or whether it is going to carry on being a money pit and bleed me dry.

Am almost certain to lose loads of money on the sale, probably about £1000. If I am lucky I may get £7000 for it but that’s not really enough to keep me mobile and I so won’t have any cash spare to maintain any further bad car choice. Unless some small miracle happens I think I may have to accept that quite soon I just don’t have a car.

My finger is becoming extremely painful. The pain killer is barely touching it. The doc said she couldn’t find anything wrong but suggested it is probably just my arthritis playing up, joy.

The irony is, much of my life is going well at the moment. The downs are just enough to stop me really enjoying this period and I am so pissed off about it!

September already (2008)

We started September with an excellent weekend. First we finally got around to visiting friends in Essex. I suspected we’d get along but the reality was that we got on very well indeed and had a great time.I always feel a relationship is working if all parties to it can happily take the piss out of each other and that’s what we did.

The Saturday saw us collecting the girls from their week long stay with grandparents then heading directly down to Kent to visit Dad & Kath. The weather was lovely and warm and we spent a totally enjoyable day chatting, eating and walking along the prom. That evening we met and stayed with yet more friends, Steve & Rosie. They are a great couple … for a pleasant change, totally straight.

Faversham, where they live, had a hop festival on and it’d would have been wrong of me not to have drunk the local brew and very nice it was too, proper beer. On Sunday we went into Faversham again for yet more beer and then over to Canterbury. We remained with them and stayed over. They had gone to work by the time we got up on Monday morning and we locked up for them and drove down to Bluewater retail park to see what that was like. It was rather boring and very expensive.

Took the long way home because of the M1 hold up around the M25 junction and then detoured over to Walmart and IKEA in MK. Finally got home totally shattered.

Only managed one day at work this week and didn’t really achieve much so rather disappointing. I did set some groundwork of things to do which is positive but their ancient systems there are holding me back.

Have made an appointment with the GP to get my finger and a few other things sorted for Monday.

Matt & Anne look amazing after their holiday. Matt is making daddy ever so proud right now and Anne is equally as amazing. I could not wish for Matt to have a better partner. Shame she has been ill with a virus but hopefully it’s clearing now.

Oh,. there is so much I am not writing and probably should but I really can’t be arsed right now. None of it is negative anyway. Still feeling upbeat though I did have 10 minutes or so of deepest depression earlier and am thankful I have methods to deal with it. The bouts are rarely more than 30 minutes or so at most.

September already (2008)

We started September with an excellent weekend. First we finally got around to visiting friends in Essex. I suspected we’d get along but the reality was that we got on very well indeed and had a great time.I always feel a relationship is working if all parties to it can happily take the piss out of each other and that’s what we did.

The Saturday saw us collecting the girls from their week long stay with grandparents then heading directly down to Kent to visit Dad & Kath. The weather was lovely and warm and we spent a totally enjoyable day chatting, eating and walking along the prom. That evening we met and stayed with yet more friends, Steve & Rosie. They are a great couple … for a pleasant change, totally straight.

Faversham, where they live, had a hop festival on and it’d would have been wrong of me not to have drunk the local brew and very nice it was too, proper beer. On Sunday we went into Faversham again for yet more beer and then over to Canterbury. We remained with them and stayed over. They had gone to work by the time we got up on Monday morning and we locked up for them and drove down to Bluewater retail park to see what that was like. It was rather boring and very expensive.

Took the long way home because of the M1 hold up around the M25 junction and then detoured over to Walmart and IKEA in MK. Finally got home totally shattered.

Only managed one day at work this week and didn’t really achieve much so rather disappointing. I did set some groundwork of things to do which is positive but their ancient systems there are holding me back.

Have made an appointment with the GP to get my finger and a few other things sorted for Monday.

Matt & Anne look amazing after their holiday. Matt is making daddy ever so proud right now and Anne is equally as amazing. I could not wish for Matt to have a better partner. Shame she has been ill with a virus but hopefully it’s clearing now.

Oh,. there is so much I am not writing and probably should but I really can’t be arsed right now. None of it is negative anyway. Still feeling upbeat though I did have 10 minutes or so of deepest depression earlier and am thankful I have methods to deal with it. The bouts are rarely more than 30 minutes or so at most.