Busy week & Sleep, what’s that?

Yes, this week has been busy, so busy it is difficult to recall just how busy but … busy will do.

Today little Josh had his jabs and very painful they looked too. Daisy came along with me, she wasn’t meant to but probably for the best that at least one parent was there. His legs have swollen up bad and he has been a bit warm, not a happy bunny at all bless him.


Last week James got to spend some time with him which was nice and we finally have some recent pictures of dad and son …










Last week we also got JJ to see the paediatrician in Northampton General. They have done more tests but the diagnosis seems correct and Josh is now on an iron supplement he has to have daily to counter anaemia.

image  At Duston School earlier on today was a valiant effort. I am looking for praise and the example it most deserves is that each of the cast members have given it their very best effort, there is no way, with the majority and, certainly the leads, they could have done more than they did.

I have to confess that, as a major Queen fan, I did cringe big time. Never have I heard anyone totally screw up Queen so effectively. One lad, and bless him, it wasn’t his fault, managed to hit just about every note that wasn’t on the music sheet. It was so bad I was in full crying hysterics, quite uncontrollable which also set off Daisy. The pair of us felt really bad about it but it was one of those times when the more we tried not to laugh the harder it became.

Back to being tired .. yes, just 3 hours broken sleep in 48 hours is NOT enough … and, on that note … night night everyone

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