A different few days

It’s great to have Zoey back home. Now the issues with social services escalate as they fight to save money and we fight to make sure she gets what she needs.

2015-11-14 03.05.00I heavily photoshopped this picture and it’s easy to think we were actually together in the same place. Obviously that can’t be possible because I am sitting here and my PC says it’s 2:11 in the morning. Isn’t it a nice thought though that we could actually be together.

The flight would be horrible though, cheapest I’ve seen is via China and who the hell wants to go to China? Even then it is a 10 hour first flight which I will no doubt not sleep on and then a 5 hour wait for another 5 hours on a plane where I might actually sleep for a couple of hours … if I were to do that sort of thing.

I’ve even heard that China are obsessed with batteries, even if you follow all the instructions if they deem they are not for everyday use, such as in a camcorder, they will remove them and dump them, how terrible is that?

The horrible things unfolding in Paris, it’s appalling what terrorists do in their warped version of religion. They are just sick B********!

Good news Russia got suspended, won’t last but finally someone is telling them they are not above fairness and the law.

I think someone must have turned the heating up as it’s really hot here, no point trying to sleep now.


Zoey November 2

As some might know by now, this will be the last update on Zoey.

I got a call earlier on today telling me that the all those involved in her care have held emergency meetings and agreed that Zoey no longer meets the criteria for any form of detention and she is free to come home which she shall be doing tomorrow.

A huge thank you to all of those involved over the past several weeks, all your love, prayers and support, I cannot tell you enough how much it all means to me.


Wouldn’t it be lovely if the world had equality?

We read and talk about equality but, what is it?

The problem with the notion of it is that someone has to be more equal than someone else else we have a very weird idea of law and order. If the thief believes he is equal to his victim so can take their stuff, that doesn’t work! If we all had an equal right then, along with that comes the absolute need to know the difference between right and wrong but, that doesn’t work either. Some believe that being a homosexual is wrong so, ‘they’ deem the homosexual less equal.

Then we have those who believe equality requires compensation for the years of inequality such as those women who want to be equal but demand preferential treatment simply because they are women.

Further we have groups who believe they are more equal because they choose to interpret some ancient religious scripts in a way which tells them they are.

So, we can’t ever have true equality unless we follow one simple rule and just about most religions have it and there are no laws which disallow it … try this at home, at work and in the street.

Treat everyone in a way you should expect to treat your brothers and sisters. Love them and respect them unless they personally give you a reason not to. All of us should by birthright be assumed to be equal with everyone else, only we can choose to pull ourselves out of equality or treat someone unequal by some form of prejudice we’ve been taught.

Unless someone damages you or those you love directly, don’t judge them, thankfully that is the job of our elected politicians.

Zoey November 1

I visited earlier and she is really a joy to visit now. I also found a reliable way to get her to communicate as to whether she wants to come home or not and she made it abundantly clear just how much!

Now it is up to me to do my best to make sure it happens if I can. I told her, I can’t promise her anything other than I will do my best. There were a lot of tears and hugs but a lot of laughter too.

She made it clear she totally doesn’t like being watched 24/7, she says she feels intimidated … she didn’t say that word but I can’t remember what she actually said but that was what she was saying anyway.

It’s so sad to walk away with her standing there with her little wave trying to stay happy but near to tears.