Anyway … several months have passed and the last post was about me going to meet Dennis and, as you can see from the pictures, that’s what I did and it was totally and awesomely amazing. We got on really well again, we argued and discovered a lot more about each other in the process and feel much more deeply in love than I thought was possible. Did I mention we got engaged too?
So, that was all excellent stuff and then … the not to excellent stuff!
Zoey didn’t react well to the care home, indeed, she regressed to the point she was put on a section again. That was back in May. Only now, and it’s the third week of August is she settled again. She’s also living in her own flat so, once again, from the depths of despair comes something good. There are still more things to iron out but it’s looking good.
I am currently in more debt than I can handle, it’s all rather terrible actually. One of the down sides of Zoey departing was that we also lost her contribution to the household budget meaning I personally cannot afford to live in my own house. It’s only by virtue of Sean & Daisy paying that we’re keeping it going. I’ve also got a large debt to pay off plus, as we’ve started the visa process for Dennis to come here that’s zapping the savings even quicker than I thought possible. Come next month I can’t see where the money is coming from but, the things we do for love and, I can but trust that somehow we’ll get through it.
I put weight on again since the last report. Not a terrible amount but I am not happy.