If God doesn’t exist …

Why do coincidences happen more frequently after I pray for them? Why is there a pattern to my life which, taken as a whole makes sense?

Now, my faith doesn’t, any more than the entirety of my life, follow the flow or ‘normality’. I don’t go out of my way to be different more, I feel I would have to go out of my way to conform and find it so much easier to be honest with myself, be myself.

I don’t know about you, I feel sometimes I have been afraid of trusting my own judgements in case I are wrong and only have myself to blame. But then I remind myself, everything in life needs some form of manure to grow. Some things can grow OK in unfertilised pastures but, honestly, adding in some manure really moves things along. This is the very best of lives. I am convinced that if I were never ill, if nothing went wrong, if I were never broke, I couldn’t fully appreciate the incredible nature of my life. Does a rich person appreciate a lottery win the same way or as intensely as a poor person?

So, for me, I feel God or Jesus or a representative thereof, has educated me just enough to know what is right and what is wrong. Not to a state of perfection but enough for me to know I have to follow my judgement because, even my bad judgements move me toward a positive outcome or, perhaps just better experience to help someone else, either of those has to be what life is about.

I can go back to dear Mr Green when I was a small child, perhaps as young as 4 or 5 and he would take me along to Sunday School, on a Sunday morning, naturally enough! I was taught a lot there but, somehow I only strongly recall some of the very basics amongst the teaching.

The teachings were all about being humble, how the disciples were humble, how they gave of themselves selflessly and asked for nothing in return, not charge for sharing the words of Jesus … sure, some bread, fish and a bit of wine/water greatly appreciated but, not one of them got a big house from sharing the word or ever wrote about a career path, it was a calling. They trusted that God would provide and, on the whole, he did.

There was a teaching about how angry Jesus got to see men (probably women too, I don’t remember the passage that clearly) that these people were using a place of worship to make an income, for profit, for personal gain.

You see, I am aware of such teaching and it gets me to thinking how many of our large churches or cathedrals charge admission and practically for a contribution from worshippers. Very little of this income goes to helping the needy as it would have done back in the time of Jesus, so much of it goes on expensive large houses for perhaps one person, a very good salary and a management structure, some goes on a building and what is left either remains in the bank or might be given to good causes.

Entire passages of the Bible, both Old and New Testament have been written falsely or deliberately misleading so as to secure more power for the higher management of the church. No Church anywhere should contain symbols of wealth when so many are starving worldwide.

You see, we were given a church, ‘we’ are the church, we don’t need old, ornate buildings, a field will do, is perhaps better as we can stare upon creation whilst conversing with a higher form. I remember so often being on a journey, watching out the window and thinking just how incredible it all is, so much natural, overwhelming beauty but, of course, I suppose that could just be our influence, digging, planting and generally living or, we might want to just think, wow!

Back in the early 1990’s when I was still married and the boys were very young, I took us on a very long walk, not a very well planned long walk but one which looked like it would be enjoyable. It was an incredibly hot day, we took no water with us, had no mobile phone back then and, the children, by the time we got to the destination many miles away, were getting quite unwell, with tiredness and dehydration. We tried to find a way back without a two hour walk, there wasn’t one so, I prayed. I said that I had no answer for this one I didn’t know what to do …. instantly afterwards a Spanish lady approached me, she spoke no English but she was clearly asking if we were OK. I communicated we were not really, that the boys were suffering and we were stuck. She beckoned us to follow to her small car already close on full with her own family and said we were to get in. She drove us to a place of safety, refused any payment with a wonderful smile and drove off. Coincidence it might have been but I’ve several like that!

I believe I have been trusted to find my own path but, every now and again something happens to remind me I am not perfect, I make mistakes. I always find a way to see how something positive came from the bad experiences, I could write a book from such things (but this isn’t it).

So, I have a faith, God, Jesus and my family and friends who have passed, are with me, guiding me and, I think, exercising the sort of sick humour I know them to have.

Right now I have the man of my dreams with me, we’re about to get married … that’s something else that religion has corrupted, Jesus has no real issues with us …. I should be so overjoyed and, of course, a deeper part of me is … but, we’re loads in debt, my health has taken a tumble, I can’t even sleep with Dennis at the moment because I cough most of the night and I feel bad enough physically through lack of sleep without making Dennis feel ill too so … my level of happiness is helped to grow with a huge dollop of manure, just as I’d expect!

My advice would be, keep moving forward because, even if you cannot yet see why you are going through a bad patch, it will fit in with your life path eventually, you’ll see it had to happen for you to get down the road you will eventually walk on.

Try playing the game of time travel changes but, look at the broader picture. Go back to any point in your life and be honest about changing those bad experiences, would you still be where you are now had they never happened? Would you still know the people you know, have the work that you do? I find so little in my life I dare change, I can see hot it all lings in to me being where I am and, that’s comforting to me.

God chooses what person he wants to be, we’re encouraged in that direction but, ultimately, how we get there is up to us.

Wow, well into 2017 now

After a false start, Dennis finally arrived in the UK on February 2 this year. It was meant to be the previous Sunday but there was a document we’d never heard of which he needed to have from the Philippine authorities.

So, another few hundred £ down on the day we got everything sorted.

According to the boards, his flight landed three times which was really confusing but eventually he came through customs after his extra long trip looking totally amazing … and cold!

His new desk and PC at home
Karaoke with the family
Our tea and biscuits evening attended by many friends and family
The Filipino Feast prepared by Dennis for the family which went down very well indeed
Trying a huge feast or traditional roast dinner
Driving through London
Eating at the Imperial War Museum in London where the story of the Philippines was told during WW2
Visiting Warwick Castle which was built in the 12th Century

Sadly, a lot of the pictures I was going to add didn’t load but they’re on Facebook if you have that.

Wedding plans going really well for March 18


Kim Burrell and homophobia

I had read various pieces online about a US singer called ‘’#Kim Burrell and eventually looked into it further as #Ellen had issues with it, indeed, some were saying she’d effectively killed her own career. That’s a shame because, well, people say stuff because they believe it often times it’s because someone else convinced them and perhaps something happened in their life which triggered the response. In hers I understand that a partner left her for a homosexual relationship, that must have been quite devastating. Anyway, I feel my own experience is one which, when shared might not change the minds of those so convinced but could be enough to make them think and what I am sharing with you now is what I wrote on Ms Burrell’s Facebook wall. Some may not recognise it as me but then, a lot don’t know me as well as I would wish they did. Anyway, here is a paste of it and please, overlook any typos, it wasn’t meant to be perfect, just from the heart.

I cannot get into a debate with you, I can only share something. Firstly, I love you as my sister from God. The Lord created us all, we’re all here for a purpose and, if I got anything from the reading of the Bible, the word of Jesus and the disciples, it’s the word ‘love’. It is the over riding word above all others that we have been given, that we need to love each other. We were told too that it is not for us to judge, they got that whole thing sorted out, we don’t have to take on that responsibility here. If someone commits a sin, they have Jesus to deal with. It’s like, if someone gets arrested by the police, we don’t need to be wagging any finger at them, our law will give earthly justice, divine justice is already arranged, we’re not equal to Jesus in handing out justice and we have no right to be doing it.

We know how contrary the Old Testament is, there is not one religion anywhere which thinks we need to take every part of the Old Testament and enact it, so much is forsaken, let go, adapted or otherwise not seen as appropriate in this day and age. Girl, we either respect and follow every part of it or we let it all go presuming Jesus just went and replaced it, which is, after all, what he was sent to do. We’re not saying it didn’t happen as the book said it did, we’re saying that Jesus showed us a new reality and that reality was, love. Everything Jesus did or said was about love and forgiveness. He was sacrificed on the cross because he loved all of us and forgave all of us. He did not die so that we could use his fathers words to share hate, the words of the almighty are not a weapon we can use when we want to, when we do that we believe we’ve the right to do that. The Bible is the message of love and respect because, you know, we lose nothing by loving and respecting each other. Hell, we learnt that when slavery was abolished, the world did not come to an end and, eventually, all, black or white, will be equal and never seen as otherwise. Women and men will be equal, as they should be, as Jesus treated them also. Jesus did not throw people out because of their colour or their gender or their sexuality and there is enough evidence throughout the New testament which says he was surrounded by all those differences and more. He showed us that we are to love each other, put aside our differences and just love each other and it is this love which bonds us, which makes the world the best possible place. Wars cannot happen when everyone loves each other, only hate causes such things.

I don’t know who can see my profile on here so I’ll come clean about me and my motivation. I don’t aim to change anyone, I am not preaching to you I am sharing with you my understanding of our good Lord and my life experience.

You do, I believe, have experience of a man who went away for another man. That would hurt anyone deeply. It would hurt had it been another woman, I am certain of it. I was brought up by parents here in England who did not follow Jesus, my father is an atheist. They loved me (mainly) but they didn’t truly understand the love Jesus taught us about. They loved people like them. In their case, white heterosexual people from a similar background. As is the case with so many, they feared anyone who didn’t fit that and they spoke down of them. Sure, there was a gay friend but, he was the ‘gay’ friend, he was never just ‘Allan’ he was always their ‘gay’ friend Allan. I don’t ever remember them having a straight friend anything. They never had a black friend, if they did they would have referred to them as their friend (insert name) who is black because they liked to prepare people for the difference.

I knew, as much as my young mind could know, that I was different. No part of me followed the same path of my male peers at school, I couldn’t relate to them well, I didn’t know how, I was always too sensitive I was told, it made no sense to me until I hit puberty. At that point I understood that I was attracted to those boys but, I knew for an absolute fact that I was not gay because I had seen gay people, you know, those stereotypical out there homosexuals who flaunt themselves, wear flamboyant clothing, dress as women maybe, are overly camp, you guys have seen ‘Jack’ from Will & Grace right? He was the model of homosexuality I was given, that wasn’t me. I was Steve, just Steve! I had zero point of reference to work out how I could be gay even though I knew I was attracted to other males, never girls, just the guys. My parents used jokes to describe gays, the guys at school beat up anyone they thought might be gay, there was so much hatred about it, it scared me. I convinced myself that if I met the right girl I would change, these evil thoughts would go away.

They didn’t Kim, they stayed. I shared these feelings with the girl who eventually became my wife, that was the only course of action open to me if I wanted a normal life and I did so much want to be accepted, for the homosexuality to go away. She understood you know, she was great about, we agreed we would work at it together.

Knowing I was gay in my heart I was amazed when I got into trouble one time with my two eldest kids. We’d walked too far, the boys were dehydrated and hungry, we’d got lost and I didn’t know which way to go, neither did my wife. I did what I knew I could do and I asked for help in prayer. I am telling you true here, within 10 minutes I was approached by someone who spoke no English (we were in Spain) and I spoke no Spanish but she knew that lady, she knew we were in need and she ushered us to her small car and drove us to town, she would take no reward in the only English she could say was ‘God bless you’. This is not good approving of my sexuality, it was me being shown love for being a person, my sexuality was known to God, he would know anyway but we had those conversations. There were other times when God showed himself to me, I have always trusted in our Lord to show me the way.

Eventually, my wife and me did decide to separate, we did it in a really nice way with love and respect and it took many years to do smoothly. We decided between us that I was the better parent for our now 4 children and I raised them on my own, they’re all good kids. Two have handicaps but are still great kids. I am now a grandparent of 4 and a very lucky man.

I prayed to Jesus, I said I was lonely. I loved all my kids and were eternally grateful for them but I was lonely. Within a year I was in a mutually loving relationship with a man from the other side of the planet, a deeply religious Catholic man and we are getting married here in the UK this March just sad that we cannot do it with both families involved, the Philippines is not as yet so loving toward same sex relationships as is the UK and most of your amazingly great United States of America which I have visited many times, I have family and friends there also.

Please, do not think I am wanting you to change because of what I write, that’s not my plan. Jesus will change your thinking if you open your heart.

My sexuality damaged no one, it still holds no threat to anyone or anything. My ex wife was not damaged, she went on to marry again, have a further two lovely children. There are so many lives I have touched for the better over the years, I know I have been a good person. Pray for me, not to change my sexuality but just to show our Father you have the love he gifted you. You might still choose to believe that homosexuality is an abomination, that’s you’re God given right to believe that as it is mine to say, I love and forgive you for it.


As we move on our annual passage through life saying farewell to one year and welcoming in the next I think it is important to look at our lives and take ownership.

Some of us will have had a horrible childhood, it could be bullying, neglect or some other thing we consider to not have been ‘the best’. In later years we make choices, adult choices and sometimes we forget those choices and blame life in general for our situation.

Do not please get me wrong, many things in life are indeed, unfair, some, possibly many are just plain wrong but accepting those we do have to realise we make choices.

As an adult we can choose to let go of our childhood, accept that it happened but agree with ourselves that the only way to move forward is to stop allowing ourselves to blame the past for where we are, that’s just an excuse we tell ourselves because, let’s face it, life can be a scary prospect. We get so used to saying this or that causes us not to whatever that it becomes a comfort blanket for us.

As a Carer to two of my children I maybe spent a little too long asking ‘why me’ and it took years to realise, being their carer, no matter how I tried to blame life in general, was my choice. We’ve all heard someone say that it doesn’t matter what our unborn children are ‘as long as they’re healthy’, we’ve all heard that so, why we go into parenting on the assumption that his aspiration will with certainty apply to use should be a mystery! We chose to have children, if we made an informed choice we also chose to have our disabled children. We then chose to continue to care for them ourselves until whatever age, many will never stop but, this isn’t something society forces us to do, we do it from choice. Bottom line it, we do. If we dropped dead then someone, somewhere would still care for them, we’re important but not irreplaceable in their care only in the love they receive from us.

As someone with a Dad who has dementia, I made a choice there too. I chose that I was not going to be his carer. I could have been but instead I opted out and he went into a home. I’d been a Carer for some 30 years, enough was enough. I didn’t do it because I couldn’t. I chose not to do it.

We do choose in life what to do.

If our husband or wife gets ill, well, we chose our role there too unless we specifically tweaked what we promised when we got married because the standard promise is, in sickness and in health, for better or worse. Sure, their illness is horrible, it’s unfair but our caring role was then and remains now, a choice.

Once we accept that we’re not victims, we’re good, decent people with a lot of love to give who have made choices we can be proud of where we are in life. We’re not failures, we chose the path we walk. We still have choices, we can walk off the path any time we like. We may not like the alternative options but we cannot and should not pretend they are not there.

Look, I chose to be heterosexual. Back in the 1970’s, unless someone lived in a major city being gay and living a gay life wasn’t really viable, it would have meant a lot of stigma and generally stuff I didn’t want in my life. Contrary to what people ask me which is, ‘When did you decide to be gay?’ I chose to be straight, being gay is my natural state. So, life dealt me the gay card and I didn’t like it so I chose an alternative which, quite frankly, didn’t work out so well for me but I did make a choice, I don’t blame life for that choice. Eventually I chose not to pretend to be heterosexual any longer, life got better for me. I’d thrown away my excuse book and took a risk on me and felt all the better for it.

Sure, by then I had 4 children, two of them disabled but, again, that was my choice. When I divorced, they stayed with me, again, my choice. When I became ineffective as a Carer and when I missed having a relationship with my children, I quit and over time both the disabled ones went into a home of their own with Carers, they became my kids again once I realised me being their carer had effectively stopped me enjoying life with them as their dad.

Life didn’t make the ‘normal’ kids rebellious and difficult after their brother and sister did, that was my choice. I chose to sacrifice their childhood for my other choice of caring perhaps too long for their siblings. When my youngest got involved with the wrong young man and got pregnant, the years of hell I went through with him were, let’s be fair, my choice.

I could look at society and argue that many would say a man at 53 who has not ‘worked’ for 23 years and is single should accept their lot in life, settle down in front of the television with his slippers and enjoy being a grandparent. I could do that but, I won’t. To do so means years of accepting I made choices would be for nothing if I start making excuses now. So, I found someone amazing. I went to the other side of the planet to do it, many thought, probably still think I am bonkers but, that’s my choice, to live my life, not their perception of my life. After getting stung by someone from the other side of the planet, even I though for a while that falling for someone else there was madness but, I stuck in there and concluded that the other mistake was my choice. It wasn’t some act of hatred the world had on me, it was me making a choice, choosing to ignore warning signs and then, I have to accept, a bad choice. Each new person in our lives is not someone we already knew, we don’t have the right to pigeon hole people. Each individual is the sum of their choices, no two the same. In remembering that I was able to form a relationship with someone, a very good one and have plans to get married now.

So, remember, where ever we are in life, whatever went wrong with life, we have a choice to make a choice. It’s not about every year starting fresh, it’s about every moment of every day doing it, making our choices for our reasons and backing ourselves up on those choices. It’s about making a different choice when the one we made before doesn’t work. It’s a terribly British thing to complain but do nothing … how many of us have been asked by a waiter how a totally awful meal is in a restaurant and answered ‘fine thanks!’ We choose that life choice to accept a bad situation rather than change it. The replacement meal might be just as bad or worse but, at least we tried something, we didn’t just accept that life is like that we tried to change it.

A cliché is that we have to kiss a lot of frogs in life and that’s true. Life is trial and error. If we live someone else’s idea of what we must or should do then, we’ve no one to blame but ourselves. There is no rule book on how we have to do life within the law.

Remember also, the best things grown when plenty of manure is used so, accept that to grow and enjoy life, you need to have some shit.