Cold Front

… and back and insides and outsides. Yep, I have the cold still but it is only a cold so I am not dyeing any quicker than I should do with it as far as I am aware. Matt seems to have something equally nasty too – excuse me whilst I just clean something off the screen – Last night was a much better night. Not that I went to bed until about 2 this morning but at least I kind of slept with regular waking moments but nothing extreme.

Tilly has been all protective like animals can get. Worked out I wasn’t right and not wanted to leave me alone. On the plus side, I know that were I working I would have been at work today, they would have had to send me home and I doubt I would have been entirely functional but I am capable, sort of!

Had to show Matt the brutal reality of car insurance earlier by doing a quote for a really cheap and small car which came out just short of £3000, the car he wanted came out at £3700 and this is only 3rd party cover! Bless him, he seems so dejected but I can’t change the reality and we all had to experience it or we were on dads policy for eons and my insurance company just laughed when I suggested adding him.

Apparently it is Wednesday today which means I have a meeting in the morning at Zoey’s school, can’t really skip it either so best go along.

Still no phone call

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