Yay, it’s March

I was hoping by now that I’d have all the plans in place for when Dennis was here next month but … I think a very long rule by the Spaniards has left not a small amount of the Manjana attitude. For me, and I know I am not typical of all Brits, I won’t leave until tomorrow something I could do yesterday but, that’s cool because I enjoy our differences.

Anyway, all things going well, we should know in about 3 weeks whether the wonderful UK Foreign Office says yes or not to the visa application which will give me a staggering just over 2 weeks to arrange everything!

Now, tomorrow here in the UK is Mothers Day and, as it has been now for 29 years, I don’t have a mum any longer so, I shall be alone again (naturally). Everyone else, quite rightly, being with their mums. For those who don’t know, my mum died on July 10th 1986. Medical reasons aside, she died from a broken heart and, try as I might, the person who did that is someone I can’t ever forgive, ironically, the same woman did it to both my parents. I will be more than happy if I never have to see that woman again as long as I live!

Grandkids are all doing well. Zachary has some excellent reading skills coming along there, Josh & Immy seem so grown up these days and Danny is moving forward with his speech. I am really proud of all of them.

Sitting here drinking a lovely coffee, something I can taste through this cold! I can feel the virus going now but I suspect I might still have one more crap night to come.

I’ve checked my diary and nothing significant this month for me. Lynn will be 55 this year is it? She certainly doesn’t look it. Hopefully I can get all excited and arrange April/May for me and Dennis but, apart from that, as quiet as a month can be at the stage just before I become really busy every day!

Whistle Stop Update

  • My weight is stuck at 10st 8lbs. I lost 9lbs since I started this but for three weeks I am stuck where I am …. incidentally coinciding with my starting the Gym
  • Zoey has a new  Social Services Team. Assessment Done, awaiting conclusion
  • Zoey will be moving out, housing application submitted, wait and see
  • Zoey was awarded Higher Rate for both care and mobility on her PiP application on the first attempt
  • I have a cold, bugger
  • Daisy has an ear infection
  • Sean needs some support
  • Matt can’t walk without looking and feeling like he was kicked in the nuts, so much for exercise!
  • Robin is in a bad way, he’ll get there
  • Show, A Little Night Music, was really very good.
  • I am still in love with Dennis and he me.
  • Dennis will get his passport this Thursday and hopefully we’ll know in a little over 2 weeks about his visa application
  • Apparently it’s cheaper to fly to Birmingham from Manila than it is to London, who knew?
  • Meeting in Corby tomorrow for Jermaine, updates to come
  • Had my eyebrows sorted, looking good

Finally got a Social Worker … and other stuff

I discovered through the back door that Zoey now has a new social worker from the Younger Adults Team. So far she has lied to me twice. The system showed her being allocated Zoey on 12th, last Friday yet, she told me on Tuesday she’d just been told and was going to speak to her manager to arrange an assessment and get back to me Tuesday afternoon. So, she lied about when she was told about and, of course, I’ve received no contact since. So, already off to a bad start! I will call again tomorrow and see what BS she has for me.

Spoke to a doctor earlier at the local surgery. My cholesterol issue is almost certainly as a result of my illness back in December in the Philippines. My kidneys and liver are apparently not functioning properly. I am amazed they did no tests to ensure the bug was out of my system as it was said to go to those organs next once it cleared my stomach. Anyway, I am still on statins for the foreseeable future. I am also on a maintenance dose of Vitamin D for a few months. They are guessing my flaring up and major itchiness is down to eczema (probably) so I have some steroid cream to attack it … of course, if antihistamine doesn’t work and steroid cream doesn’t work then it is back to square one again. I really feel so many of these doctors just want to write a script and see the back of you. Anyway, I am to have bloods done again in April to check my current status so shall have to wait see.

I seem to be losing weight OK so am happy about that. I am now at an in-between size for clothes which is a little annoying.

I’ve got myself an Amazon Prime account and a ‘Fire’ for the TV. I decided that as much as I like Spotify I cannot justify it and I don’t watch Virgin TV at all so I have no clue why I am paying for that! I might still be tied into a contract though so might be difficult to get out of right now.

Meeting with CTPLD Kettering

Do you remember the nurse from CTPLD Kettering who reported me for allegedly making my sons’ money disappear?

Had the meeting today with her and one of her bosses, it went well.

She might have got off lighter had she kept her mouth shut but she is one of these power women who has to assert her authority. Me and my amazing friend Helen were able to convince her boss that safeguarding needs to be as a last resort, after all other measures have been taken and failed. That despite what they think, which is that it’s just an admin thing, the very word ‘safeguarding’ doesn’t sound anything like ‘admin’ to a family member or carer getting the call from them.

The Care Quality Commission say this of ‘safeguarding’:

Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect”

Doesn’t sound like admin at all really put in that context!

So when someone gets a call telling them they are being investigated with regard to their son, it’s not just dotting the ‘i’ and crossing the ‘t’.

I gave an analogy to them which I hoped might help them get in the zone of the first few seconds of a conversation like that, this is it:

Imagine you just go to school to pick up little Sally or Jonny and the head approaches you and quietly suggests you should have a conversation about a bruise they observed earlier. Now, as the parent you know they got it acting the fool and running into a door but, you know that’s not what the school think and your stomach turns over that they could ever imagine such a thing of you.

Well, that one seemed to make sense to the boss, she clearly connected with it.

Anyway, me and Helen probably enjoyed a little too much the chance to slap down an errant official.

I gave them a tip on how to run meetings in future, discuss, agree, assign a task to a named individual and give a date by which the task must be completed. On that note I suggested to boss lady that the lesser employee be afforded the task of going through the meetings of previous years and finally addressed all those things which recur each time yet never get done.

I was happy with the outcome, I don’t expect this lady to actually do it, I suspect she will ask to be moved elsewhere and someone else assigned to Jermaine but, let’s see.